Everyone is Expendable

Written by Magick. Posted in Opinion, Politics

Published on January 13, 2012 with 1 Comment

By Magick

January 13, 2012

We, the people, of OccupySF, are here to create an authentic consensus based democracy, that recognizes the value of all life.

We are determined to respectfully and with the full dedication of our hearts, minds and bodies, do everything in our power at this eleventh hour to rise from the rubble of disaster capitalism and celebrate the brilliance of the human spirit.

To give real respect to the indigenous people of this continent and the people whose ancestors were brought here as slaves, we recognize the rights to speech, assembly and the occupation of the commons as a human birthright that cannot be limited by governments, nations or corporations.

We recognize the rights to clean water, air, and earth for all life forms.

The world community is forming, the borders that stand between nations are dissolving as the evolutionary forces of human consciousness awaken to the possibility of sustainable communities. Corporations are the usurpers who cross borders to exploit labor and the environment, buying off corrupt politicians to reap their profits, while families are being ripped apart by deportations that stop people from exercising their rights to a decent living.

The corporations, like those who want us out of the financial district have been the rising stars in the drama of the world and we, the 99%, are the talent designated to the supporting role of worker and consumer.

Remember after 9-11 Bush told us everything was fine, go out and shop. If we fail to fulfill our function then the directors and producers, otherwise known as the politicians and their backers, call in the long arm of the “law” to deal with the “recalcitrant”. But the “law” is amoral and unethical; its only imperative: protect the rich.

People who have been abused, deprived, oppressed and neglected are really unnecessary and disposable. This is not a harsh overstatement it is the reason why society as a whole is not helping the most needy in our culture.

It is because we have been programmed to believe they have failed to fulfill their prime directive and therefore have forfeited their rights to any of the benefits that capitalism has to offer.

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps means that no matter how wounded you are, no matter that you as a child were not loved and cared for, no one who is invested in capitalism cares a wit to scratch the surface of the dysfunction. It really doesn’t matter what happened to them all that matters is the maximizing of profit.

That is the very underpinning of any corporate culture regardless of how many benefits are put on top like frosting.

Everyone is expendable.

Even the rich are expendable if they tarnish the name of a corporation or fail to make enough money.

So the underlying issue is not about the rich hoarding all the money and taxing them to get it back. It is that human lives are of no intrinsic value. The only value of the 99 percent is to be laborers and consumers. All compassionate and caring programs are only put in place under extreme pressure from the people if the oligarchy feels threatened.

In capitalism’s final decline, we are seeing the veneer of any sense of humanity or moral responsibility being stripped away. Schools, health care, welfare, are all under attack. Privatization is the only solution offered for our libraries, parks and schools.

The military funding grows by the hour, as our government pretends to defend and promote democracy. In actuality, the military has only two functions: To protect corporate interests and buy and sell the machinery of murder.

Drones circle the planet joysticking it to anyone who interferes with the prime directive; profit and power must be defended at all costs.

Every social program that exists only got there because a politician needed a few more votes.

We are not mental health workers, but we do know that the homeless first of all want to be seen as human beings and treated with dignity. We are doing that. We share the food we have but we are overwhelmed because these folks need long-term help. Where is it?

1 Comment

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  1. Thank you for publishing the Occupy Communist manifesto. We now have much better understanding of Occupy’s real goals.