Articles Posted by Jill Chapin

Jill Chapin has been a guest writer and columnist in several Los Angeles area papers for over fifteen years. She has written a bilingual parenting book titled, "If You Have Kids, Then Be a Parent!" and a children's book entitled, "My Magic Bubble."

  • Why Scott Brown Won in Massachusetts

    Why Scott Brown Won in Massachusetts

    Yet the talking heads on the network and cable news, and the op-ed pieces in so many papers across the country haven’t yet grasped this simple truth that the American public intuitively understands. We are joyfully refusing to let any spin unravel this most refreshing example of the people reining in this out-of-control healthcare overhaul.

  • Why No Healthcare Coverage on C-SPAN?

    Why No Healthcare Coverage on C-SPAN?

    The C-SPAN lie: Obama promises televised healthcare negotiations. By Jill Chapin January 12, 2009 One of my readers recently questioned an apparent flip flop in my support of President Obama. She’s not alone; my friends…

  • Obama May Pay a High Premium for Insurance Industry Lobbyists

    Obama May Pay a High Premium
    for Insurance Industry Lobbyists

    Change we can’t believe in. Photo by Luke Thomas By Jill Chapin December 18, 2009 There are strange bedfellows aligning themselves around the country as we settle into our heated positions in the healthcare debate.…

  • Optimum Versus Excessive Medical Care

    Optimum Versus Excessive Medical Care

    By Jill Chapin November 21, 2009 I recently read a book that shines more disturbing light on the latest healthcare debate; namely, the idea of being overtreated. If you were confounded before about the proper…

  • Deceiving Ourselves About Healthcare Reform

    By Jill Chapin November 13, 2009 Washington’s track record of doing anything fiscally responsible is pretty dismal. That they can get away with this time after time by explaining there were unforeseeable factors speaks more…

  • Healthcare Reform for All? Not Quite

    Healthcare Reform for All? Not Quite

    With Congress falling all over themselves trying to show compassion for the plight of us struggling taxpayers, it is downright diabolical how they can do so without a shred of embarrassment over their blatant hypocrisy.

  • Healthcare 101

    Healthcare 101

    Health care crisis as depicted by pirates. By Jill Chapin July 23, 2009 Healthcare reform really isn’t as complicated as we are led to believe, but that is exactly what Washington wants us to think.…