Articles Posted in the Opinion Category

  • Political Earthquake Rocks Massachusetts

    Political Earthquake Rocks Massachusetts

    Ignoring people needs during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the Obama administration supports business, militarism, and homeland repression. He backs open-ended banker bailouts, aggressive wars, repressing dissent, privatized healthcare, free, not fair trade, a war on Islam and Latino immigrants, torture, illegal surveillance, military commissions, preventive detention for dozens of detainees facing no charges, and extraordinary renditions to offshore hellholes, most of them secret.

  • This is currently a hot topic

    Scott Brown’s Election a Wake Up Call for Dems

    The Democrats failure in Massachusetts is especially telling since a) Brown opposes national health care reform even though Massachusetts already has near-universal health coverage thanks to a law passed when Republican Mitt Romney – was governor – legislation Brown supported! And b) Brown opposes same-sex marriage – which, yep, Massachusetts legislation has already legalized (NY Times, Jan 20, 2010, “GOP, in an Upset …).

  • Haiti 2010: An Unwelcome Katrina Redux

    Haiti 2010: An Unwelcome Katrina Redux

    Sadly, President Obama is dispatching Presidents Bush and Clinton, and thousands of Marines and U.S. soldiers. By contrast, Cuba has over 400 doctors on the ground and is sending in more; Cubans, Argentinians, Icelanders, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, and many others are already on the ground working–saving lives and treating the injured. Senegal has offered land to Haitians willing to relocate to Africa.

  • Transbay Terminal Dispute Threatens Federal Funding

    California High Speed Trains: Business Plan. By Matt Drake, guest editorial January 18, 2010 In November of 2008, Californians voted yes on Proposition 1A, a bond measure raising $10 billion to construct a high speed…

  • Why No Healthcare Coverage on C-SPAN?

    Why No Healthcare Coverage on C-SPAN?

    The C-SPAN lie: Obama promises televised healthcare negotiations. By Jill Chapin January 12, 2009 One of my readers recently questioned an apparent flip flop in my support of President Obama. She’s not alone; my friends…

  • Profanity Versus the Truly Profane

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    Profanity Versus the Truly Profane

    Supervisor Chris Daly Photo by Luke Thomas By Chris Daly, special to January 11, 2010 For 2010, I vow to use the word “fuck” in each of my remaining Board of Supervisors meetings. A…

  • “Monetary Policy” Transfers Your Children’s Future Earnings to the Financial Elite

    “Monetary Policy” Transfers Your Children’s Future
    Earnings to the Financial Elite

    By Charles Hugh Smith December 25, 2009 The bail-out of Wall Street and the banking and mortgage industries is not monetary policy; it is a massive transfer of wealth from future taxpayers to the Financial…