An Open Letter to Tom Ammiano

Written by FCJ Editor. Posted in Culture, Politics

Published on November 17, 2008 with 2 Comments

Tanene Allison

From Tanene Allison

November 17, 2008

Dear Assemblymember-Elect Ammiano –

Congratulations on your recent tidal wave of a win! Sacramento will be a better place for your presence in it.

I’m writing to suggest that when you roll into Sacto with all your blazing progressive fierceness, that you also bring to the Capital the digitalization of democracy that we’ve seen sweep the nation this last year.

This afternoon, while checking to see what the blogosphere had to say about life, I happened upon Fog City Journal’s YouTube video of your speech at the recent Anti-Prop 8 Rally. It was awesome, and got me excited to see what else of your recent work and campaign I could find online. I was excited to reblog whatever was out there, because, really, we need some sane, compassionate and humorous voices right now, particularly around the present Post Prop 8 Debate. But…

Tom, why are you not online?! Twitter, Facebook and YouTube all left me void from your wit and wisdom! And so I am writing this letter to implore you: If President-Elect Barack Obama’s Campaign revolutionalized democracy by giving access via technology, and he has now brought his weekly “fireside chats” to YouTube, I say: Bring the digital democracy revolution to Sacramento!

Twitter from the Assembly floor. No one can do quips in 140 characters like you can! YouTube update to keep your constituents back home up to date with all that you are doing. Give us a videoed walking tour of that bizarro smoking tent! Facebook connect this all so that your supporters can be gathered to rally around whatever legislative or budgetary action you need support on. (You could ask California Secretary of State Debra Bowen for some tips on how best to do this, as that woman works Facebook like no other elected official I’ve seen.)

Not only does this serve those who you directly serve, it lets the rest of the country listen in to your narrative and calls to action around today’s changing world. Most politicians put effort into trying to figure out how to get their messages to “go viral.” You’re a stand-up comedian politician, which is basically the definition of an internet hit. Also? Don’t you have to know Rachel Maddow from her years in SF? Do us all the good of having your voice as a regular commentator on her show. She’s the lez genius queen of mixing mainstream political coverage with compassionate humor alongside regular habits of blogging, Twittering and Facebooking. Use that platform to highlight what “San Francisco values” really are about.

All that I’m saying is that you in your new Assembly position + technological tools to keep folks abreast of your work and thoughts = One word: Awesome.

San Francisco sent you to Sacramento – you should now take all of your constitutions virtually along with you!

I’m sure you have lots of folks around you who could help you make this happen, but if you need help getting digitized, feel free to give me or Rachel Maddow a call.

And congratulations again; I look forward to watching you representing up in Sacramento.

Sincerely –

Tanene Allison


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  1. Thanks Matt. Yes, I think the video you mention is on YouTube. What I am petitioning for, however, is a regular self-orchestrated effort by Ammiano to define his own online presence as a means to communicate with the public, as I think he’d be great at it. But thanks for the heads up.

  2. Tanene,

    I think if you look really hard, you will be able to dig up a youtube of Tom endorsing David “I’m supporting a Progressive for Board President and Bevan Dufty is a swell guy” Campos.