Grateful for the Attacks

Written by Cindy Sheehan. Posted in News, Opinion, Politics

Published on October 22, 2008 with 3 Comments

Candidate for the 8th congressional district, Cindy Sheehan.
Photo by Luke Thomas

By Cindy Sheehan

October 22, 2008

The vicious attacks are starting again.

When I was in Crawford, Tx at Camp Casey in the Summer of ’05, I would receive hundreds per day. Of course, I am dishonoring my son’s memory and I am un-patriotic and even a “whacko,” “nut job,” “bat shit crazy,” and their favorite: “mama moonbat.” I dared to question their President and the lies that led to my son’s death. I refused to be an appreciative Gold Star Mother wearing a wilted carnation at the Memorial Day observances and accepting my grief in patriotic silence.

At least when I was in Texas, I had some support from some people who agreed with me on the war and about George Bush. Back then it was not too popular to protest the Emperor, but it made me very popular with the “left” and with the “peace” movement. I knew when the right attacked me with such hateful vigor, I was on the right track. Now, most of the country realizes that the war was/is wrong and that George Bush is a dangerous moron.

Now, the “left” is attacking me with the same hateful vigor and personal attacks as the right did back in 2005 because I dare to hold the Democrats to the same standard as I hold the Republicans. Does this mean that I am now a Republican lover? Hell no! I think when we get to the very top of the political food chain the Democrats and Republicans collaborate to steal our money and our freedoms.

Former SF Mayor, Willie Brown who lionized me before, recently called me a “loonie-tune” in his blog on SF Gate and I have been pronounced “insane and delusional” by Markos Moulitsas the editor of the Democratic apologist blog “The Daily Kos.” I am sure that Markos and Willie both have MDs in psychology and are fully qualified to diagnose my mental health without an examination.

Why does Markos think that I am “insane and delusional?” Because my campaign has had a series of coincidences or a run of bad luck that I said might be attributed to the opposition. I never accused Pelosi of anything or said that the attacks were definitely hanky-panky.

Gee, I must be crazy if I could even think that Democrats would tamper with elections like Republicans. It has never happened in the entire history of our country and I am sure that my campaign would be the first. My friends who still work in Democratic politics here in California have been warned not to work on my campaign or they would be “finished” in the party. A former Congressional candidate (D) came to my office and gave me a fund raising list but told me to never say his name because he wants to run for Supervisor as a Democrat here in town. Top Democrats here whisper to me that they will “vote” for me, but they can’t publicly endorse me. At least one very top Democrat is lying about me on the record. I can’t make this stuff up.

To all of you who attack me personally and question my mental health and my motherhood, or whatever, all I can say is “get some perspective.” I buried my son and if you all think that anything you can say or do to me is going to make me stop working for peace and accountability, you are seriously mistaken.

If you (left, right, center or wherever) think that it is okay to support wars, spying, torture, bankster bailouts, environmental degradation and taking away our civil rights; then by all means, live in your world where you think that your political party are the saints and the others are the sinners. It’s all about party loyalty, isn’t it? Tell that to the people who are being killed, tortured or impoverished in your names.

We are back to hundreds of attacks per day.

We must be on the right track, again.

Thank you.

To all of you who have stuck by me and to the thousands of people who have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars  and thousands of volunteer hours to my campaign, I say a big “THANK YOU.” You know that a true representative democracy demands more voices and more choices, not the two-party monopoly that exists today.

Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan is the Nobel peace prize nominated mother of Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan who was killed in Sadr City, Iraq, April 4, 2004. She has been on an international quest for peace and accountability since then. She has written three books and numerous published articles. Cindy is currently running as a "Decline to State" independent candidate in the 8th District of California against Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

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  1. I am neither a registered Democrat or Republican. By my own definition, I’m a moderate. I don’t support the war in Iraq or torture or environmental degradation, but that doesn’t mean I automatically support you either. You don’t own those positions all by yourself and, in fact, you haven’t really articulated what you would do about any of them. Instead, you have spent your campaign telling us how god-awful Nancy Pelosi is and now, apparently, how awful any of us are who dare to disagree with you. How about telling us what you would do if elected? And exactly how a freshman congresswoman with virtually no support would accomplish any of it in the US Congress? Your son’s sacrifice and your grief over his loss are valid and legitimate; but suggesting that the thousands of voters who do not support you are somehow warmongers and OK with torture is just plain ridiculous. No, Willie Brown and Moulitsas do not have PhD’s in psychology (psychologists don’t get MD’s Cindy), but they mirror the popular opinion that you indeed are “loonie toon”.

  2. Cindy,

    I don’t understand why Luke publishes these attacks-without-attribution upon you. He usually doesn’t feed anonymous trolls.

    Cindy for congress!


  3. Cindy, your hysterics are getting to be a bit much. You see conspiracies within conspiracies, and are just making excuses for the fact you’re going to lose in 2 weeks.

    Remember when you so faux-poignantly said on Daily Kos you were “done” with activism? I guess the prospect of another few months of media temper tantrums was too good to pass up and now we have to listen to you blather on about all sorts of things we have no way of knowing are true or not.

    I’m no fan of many of the things mainstream Democrats do, but I am tired of a small leftist segment in our city telling us they’re so morally superior when in fact you’re just as bad as anyone else. If you had the chance to tell a lie to get into Congress you’d do it in a second.