Articles Posted in 2011

  • Media Complaints Triggers SFPD Press Pass Revocations

    Media Complaints Triggers SFPD Press Pass Revocations

    While police policy specifically states press passes are reserved for outlets that regularly cover breaking news about fire and police events, a SFPD-issued press passes also provides access to press facilities at City Hall including the press box in Board chambers.

  • This is currently a hot topic

    Why Progressives Should Support Pension Reform

    Shortly, I will introduce a new ballot initiative that will help reduce costs while ensuring that the pension and health benefit system is protected for future generations of workers. And the initiative will do so in a manner that is fair and equitable. The highest-earning workers, including elected officials, will be asked to contribute more, while the lowest-earning workers will be entirely exempt, a lesson learned from the last pension reform effort. The reforms will help eliminate the abuses of the pension system that benefit a few workers at the expense of others. Residents, elected officials, city employees and labor leaders are invited to review the proposals at and provide any comments or ideas.

  • Saint Patrick’s Day

    Saint Patrick’s Day

    Saint Patrick’s Day wouldn’t exist if not for the man himself. Only two authentic letters from him survive, from which come the only universally accepted details of his life. Much of the rest is subject to some debate among scholars.

  • Adachi Calls for Ban on Master Key Abuse SRO Owner Says Police Assaulted Him

    Adachi Calls for Ban on Master Key Abuse
    SRO Owner Says Police Assaulted Him

    Adachi’s request comes on the heels of the discovery of several surveillance videos showing police using master keys to unlawfully enter residential motel rooms. Officers illegally searched the rooms before fabricating details about the incidents in sworn police reports.

  • Buck Tavern Doubles as Anti-Twitter Tax Exemption Headquarters

    Buck Tavern Doubles as Anti-Twitter Tax Exemption Headquarters

    The off-the-record confab which barred media coverage, was attended by several well-known figures in San Francisco politics, including Supervisor John Avalos, SEIU organizer Gabriel Haaland, attorney David Waggoner, a political consultant, political activists and Daly.

  • Gascón Pitches DA Candidacy to SF Young Dems

    Gascón Pitches DA Candidacy to SF Young Dems

    The event provided the estimated 50 attendees an opportunity to hear Gascón make a case as to why he should be elected at large in November and for attendees to pose questions on several controversial issues including the death penalty, allegations of SFPD misconduct and perjury, Sit/Lie, safe injection sites, and the City’s inching towards authorizing the use of Tasers by law enforcement.

  • No Concessions: Hotel Workers Beat Hilton and Blackstone, Fight On

    Hotel workers have now shown clearly that we can raise the banner of NO CONCESSIONS, fight and win against the biggest of the big. Like the brave workers in Wisconsin and the Midwest, we are standing tall, and intend to stay on our feet through thick and thin.