Articles Posted in the Opinion Category

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    President Obama: Will He Get a Do-Over in 2012?

    We all know that Washington is a tough town, and decision-making is fraught with bribes, backroom deals, blackmail and palm greasing. Still, it was thought that the following areas would be those where our president would follow through on his promise to do what’s best for “ordinary citizens.” Now they’re not so sure.

  • Social Security: If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

    If the current rate continues, the report goes on to say, the Program’s reserves will be exhausted in 2037. Of course, no one can predict the path of the US economy between now and 2037. If we have a series of boom years, the annual reports for the next several decades might show a reversal of payouts versus payroll revenues. Seizing on this Report, the Republicans are threatening to revive efforts to privatize Social Security if they gain control of Congress.

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    Kamin Reviews DCCC Endorsements Meeting

    So on August 11th, a couple hundred people packed themselves into the smallest possible room for the biggest meeting of the year to get an up close and personal look at the machinations of the local Democratic Party. Unlike some in the standing room only crowd at the Local 2 headquarters, I got lucky and snagged one of the uncomfortable chairs, and sat for all three hours so you didn’t have to. This is what I saw…

  • The Remarkable Model
    of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia

    Today there is renewed interest in reviving a publicly-owned bank in Australia on the Commonwealth Bank model. The United States and other countries would do well to consider that option too. Any proposed legislation should contain careful checks for accountability. The Commonwealth Bank served Australia brilliantly well for its first 11 years under the stewardship of one honest man, Denison Miller. When he passed away in 1923, the bank was delivered into the hands of a board of businessmen more interested in serving their own interests than the nation’s. Legislation would need to be drafted that prevented that from happening again.

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    The Burka: A Taliban Imposed Canvas Prison

    Why do Iran and other Muslim countries require a woman to hide her hair or her entire body?

  • Rwanda’s Savior Has Become a Monster

    Rwanda’s Savior Has Become a Monster

    In truth, the Rwandan leader presides over nothing more than hollow democracy. He has attacked and exiled any and all viable political opponents. The local press, as well as international journalists, have been bludgeoned and harassed. The regime uses the Stalinist crime of “divisionism” as a pretext to silence and prosecute any critic who dares question its policies or the state sanctioned version of the 1994 conflict.

  • Antony Loewenstein: Isolating Iran
    is Part of the ‘Great Energy Game’

    The Middle East is witness to continuous developments these days, such as Iran’s active diplomacy to attract the indispensable 118-member bloc of non-aligned countries to support its nuclear program, the growing isolation of Israel in European countries and within academic circles in the U.S., Arabs’ fears of losing the power game in the Persian Gulf region, and the expansion of illegal settlements of Israel in the West Bank and its unremitting disobedience to United Nations Security Council resolutions.