Articles Posted in the Politics Category

  • San Franciscans Protest of Sit/Lie Ordinance

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    San Franciscans Protest of Sit/Lie Ordinance

    More than an one thousand San Franciscans responded to a proposed “Sit/Lie” ordinance Saturday, staging creative protests on the sidewalks in neighborhoods across the city. As part of “SIDEWALKS ARE FOR PEOPLE”, participants held nearly 100 planned and spontaneous events, doing their favorite activities on the city’s sidewalks in protest to a proposed ordinance that would make it a criminal offense to sit on any sidewalk in San Francisco.

  • Discovering Simón Bolivar

    Venezuela President Hugo Chávez pictured with a painting of Simón Bolivar in the background. Photo: AP By Ralph E. Stone March 28, 2010 In 2007 and 2008, my wife and I traveled to the Bolivarian…

  • Chinese Government Hard Line Stance
    on Google Remains Unchanged

    Illustration courtesy NJN Network By William Chadwick March 27, 2010 It is well documented that Google closed down its self-censored mainland Chinese search engine in January, and redirected all its Chinese traffic to its Hong…

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    Sheehan Interview with President Hugo Chavez

    Hugo Chavez: Thank you Cindy, for this interview, for your efforts, that are so honorable and notable, to try to find out our truth and to contribute to its diffusion. And we wish you much luck in your struggles, which are ours as well, against war, for peace, for freedom and equality and against imperialism. We accompany you in your struggles. You and the people of the United States. We love them the same. The bourgeoisie of Venezuela has always dominated the country, for more than a hundred years. And they dominated it with force, using violence, persecution, assassination and disappearances. Unfortunately, the Venezuelan history is a history full of a lot of violence, violence from the strong against the weak. In the 20th century, Venezuela, which was dominated by the oligarchy and the bourgeois state, the rich, the wealthy, produced a reversed type of miracle, we could say. Venezuela was the first exporter of oil from the beginning of the 1920s until the 1970s. One of the largest producers of petroleum in the world throughout all the 20th century. And when the 20th century ended, with the domination of the bourgeoisie, despite all the wealth, Venezuela had more than 70% poverty and 40% extreme poverty, misery, misery, misery. So that generated an explosion, a violent one. All explosions are violent. An explosion of the poor, to liberate themselves. We were remembering just 2 days ago in Caracas. You were there with us, with our people. 21 years ago, the people woke, arose in a big explosion. And as military we were used by the bourgeoisie to massacre the people, children, women, and older people. And then that awoke something in the young military folks, a consciousness of pain and then we joined with the people. We had two rebellions, military rebellions, popular (inaudible ). A revolution isn’t exactly peaceful. As you said it was relatively peaceful.

  • The McCain-Lieberman Police State Act

    Now, the March 4 S. 3081: Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010 to interrogate and detain “enemy belligerents who commit hostile acts against the United States to establish certain limitations on the prosecution of such belligerents, and for other purposes.”

  • Nordic Mysteries: The Millenium Trilogy

    The movie and the book introduce Lisbeth Salander, played by Swedish actress Noomi Rapace. She is a unique figure in fiction. She is Goth-like in appearance, autistic and bisexual with a distrust of authority, an amazing ability with a computer, a photographic memory and astonishing physical courage, and while not physically attractive, is sexually appealing to both men and women. And yes, she has a large tattoo of a dragon on her back. She is a rare example of a feminist heroine who doesn’t hate men, just men who hate women. Throughout the Trilogy, Larsson weaves in her background of childhood abuse and violence. My minor quibble with Ms. Rapace is that she is too pretty. But otherwise, Ms. Rapace and Michael Nyqvist, who plays Mikael Blomkvist, the other main character, are well cast.

  • Kicking 17,474 San Francisco City Workers to the Curb

    Kicking 17,474 San Francisco City Workers to the Curb

    San Francisco is not exempt from the financial challenges affecting the entire nation. However, the new blame game directed at unionized city workers is unprecedented. San Francisco has a proud labor history and the current attacks are inconsistent with our past and detrimental to our future working relationship with the city.