Articles Posted in the Politics Category

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    Doctors Without Morals

    Government physicians and psychologists who participated in and authorized the torture of detainees have escaped discipline, accountability or even internal investigation. The Pentagon, the C.I.A., state licensing boards, and professional medical societies have not initiated any action to investigate, much less discipline, these individuals. Presumably these health care professionals continue to treat an unknowing public with little or no fear of prosecution or disciplinary action.

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    Adachi Allies Threaten Cuts to Public Defender Budget over Pension Reform

    The move is a retaliatory strike over Adachi’s pension and healthcare reform measure, SF Smart Reform, which aims to rein in unsustainable pension and healthcare costs projected to exceed $1 billion by 2016.

  • How Do You Spell Chutzpah? M-E-X-I-C-O

    Arizona’s governor recently had to call off a border conference scheduled to take place in Phoenix because Mexican governors planned to boycott it, saying that Arizona’s new immigration law violates civil rights and is based on ethnic and cultural prejudices. No mention is made of their citizens violating the laws of our country.

  • Adachi’s Pension Deception: Billionaire Speculators Pricing Kids out of Health Care

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    Adachi’s Pension Deception:
    Billionaire Speculators Pricing Kids
    out of Health Care

    The common wisdom in conservative economic circles as trumpeted by FoxNEWS these days in serious, stentorian tones, is that the economy is broke rather than broken, and that we are saddled with massive unfunded pension and health care liabilities, which are deemed unaffordable and unsustainable. The solution, according to those whose economic ideology got us into this mess, is to cut wages, pensions and health care, and to welcome these austerity measures and our new status as serfs as inevitable. The unacceptable alternative to austerity for them would be that those responsible for the economic mess be wiped out in a wave of bankruptcies, which would mean them. To avoid this, they will spend lavishly to convince us that we are to blame for their errors and convince us to transfer the meager resources of hundreds of millions of us into their coffers to make them not just whole, but to further enrich them.

  • Adachi Ready to Submit Pension Reform Petitions

    Adachi Ready to Submit Pension Reform Petitions

    “I am confident that we have the 46,000 signatures needed today to qualify for the November ballot,” Adachi said in a statement released to FCJ. “The voters of San Francisco have overwhelmingly responded to the need for sustainable pension reform by signing these petitions. Now the Department of Elections has up to 30 days to confirm our effort to take this critical budgetary issue to the entire electorate.”

  • God Bless America

    Every few years, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence updates its God Bless America poster to show the alarming difference between the number of gun murders in other developed countries vs. the number in the United States.

  • BP, US Government Suspends First Amendment?

    BP, US Government Suspends First Amendment?

    July 4, 2010 As BP makes its latest attempt to plug its gushing oil well, news photographers are complaining their efforts to document the slow-motion disaster in the Gulf of Mexico are being thwarted by…