Articles Posted in 2014

  • SF Green Party to KPFA: Think Globally, Report Locally

    “Think globally, act locally” is as relevant today as it was in 1915, when Scottish biologist, sociologist and town planner, Patrick Geddes, wrote Cities in Evolution. We need locally produced, locally relevant programming to help us make specific connections between our daily lives and politics and those of the international community and the planet.

  • Greens Say Don’t Frack Golden Gate Park

    Comparing the effects of toxic turf and lighting pollution to fracking, the San Francisco Green Party is urging the public to save Golden Gate Park.

  • Bush’s Iraq War Spiraling into Civil War

    Iraq is descending into civil war. The nation is close to a partition of the country into Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish zones, a predictable result of Bush’s ill-advised, unnecessary war.

  • More Mass Killings Can be Expected in Our Gun Crazy Nation

    As has been reported, Elliot Rodger killed six students, injured 13 others, and then killed himself at the University of Santa Barbara in Isla Vista, California. And how quickly the killings moved off the front pages.

  • Prisoner Swap is an Opportunity to Again Debate the Closing of Guantánamo

    It is unfortunate that the debate about the prisoner swap – U.S. Army Sgt. Bergdahl for 5 Taliban officials – disregards or at least minimizes the fact that prior to the swap, there were 149 still imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp, of which 78 are still imprisoned after being cleared for release and 38 the U.S. has said it lacks evidence to prosecute but claims they are too dangerous to release.

  • Obama, Get Angry

    Senator John Boehner recently derided the President as being “nuts” for believing the Keystone pipeline could cause environmental damage. Never mind that he qualified his assessment by noting that he was not a scientist, never mind the threat of eco-terrorism on that pipeline that could be disastrous, never mind that we need to focus on cleaner, renewable energies.

  • Criminal Injustice

    The San Francisco Public Defender’s 11th annual Justice Summit focused on “things that can cause innocent people to be convicted.”