Sewers of Beauty

Forgetting about the infrastructure means new housing
with a flooded garage.
Photos by Kepa Askenasy
By Daniela
Kirshenbaum and Kepa
November 14, 2006
When waters rise in an urban center like San Francisco, citizens
get a little uneasy. What's really in that water? And why is this
"world-class city" flooding?

The lady just wants to cross the street. The bike messenger needs
to get through the intersection. But the rain, the water, the
floods! Why?

Where there were once bogs and sand dunes, we now have the city
of San Francisco. And where we once had funky little creeks, we
now have what is called "hardscape." That's what we
call areas where former dirt lots and Bay shores are covered with
concrete and asphalt, sidewalks and driveways.
Once, our less-than-pristine city surfaces absorbed wintry rainfalls.
Not anymore. Nor do we have the sewer capacity. We are so heavily
built with offices and housing and pavement - and toilets - that
rain water has a hard time finding those little drains we call
When water does make it to the sewer pipes, it meets one of the
more charming vestigial versions of sewers still extant in a major
modern city: single pipelines. Single-line pipes easily fill to
capacity with a single heavy rainfall, because the rainwater must
share the pipelines with sewage. Most cities have two-line pipes,
so that run-off from a heavy downpour doesn't compete with what's
flushed down everyone's toilets.
None of this information is new. Studies have been conducted
and reports
disseminated for an awfully long time on urban development's
increasing vulnerability to floods.
Our official entities, such as the San Francisco Planning Department,
the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, and the San Francisco
Public Utilities Commission, are all aware of how we're doing.
A report card was issued last year by the American Society of
Civil Engineers, grading our infrastructure. The City received
a D+, with a strong trend towards F.

If we had parents, we would be grounded!
San Francisco heads towards infrastructure failure.
What can be done? Well, the Public Utilities Commission came up
with Sandbag
Saturdays. This is where less fortunate neighborhoods learn
how to use their free sand bags to divert flooding sewer water
away from their basements.

Pretty development on the outside;
but what might their sewer lines look like?
One more substantial solution is to require every new development
- any building that wants drains and a toilet, anyway - to contribute
impact fees towards rebuilding our antique sewers. Some sewer
pipes are still made of clay, and many from cast iron. They crack
easily, creating a city-wide sewage leachfield. That's something
like dirty water percolating through coffee grounds, but on a
far bigger, more disgusting scale.
The situation won't be easily fixed. No developer will enjoy
paying for hidden assets like sewers. After all, customers are
more impressed by granite countertops and solar panels than by
spanking new sewer lines. In the meantime, inhabitants will heave
sandbags in the winter.
Greg Scott, President of the Pacific Heights Residents Association,
says he dreads every wet winter. He works for a large accounting
firm downtown, and detests wading through the office lobby when
the sewers back up. It's hard to blame him.
and waterways of the original San Francisco
Francisco's trouble with creeks and sewage has been pretty common
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